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About Daniel

Daniel is a dedicated student of Master Niels, with a decade of experience in mindfulness and meditation, and an intensified practice over the last three years.

In 2024, Daniel earned his Mindfulness Trainer certification and chose to advance further by enrolling in the second year of the IMI’s Teacher Training program. He has also completed two MRP Retreats in Portugal and Thailand at a Buddhist monastery, showcasing his deep understanding of MRP and The Mindfulness Code.

As an osteopath, Daniel’s mission is to support his patients in improving their overall health and well-being by enhancing the body’s natural healing processes. By integrating mindfulness into his osteopathic practice, he offers a holistic approach that addresses both the physical and mental aspects of health.

Upcoming courses and programs
As part of the second year of my Mindfulness Teacher Training at the Inner Mind Institute, I will guide the MRP Beginner Level and the 3-day MRP Beginner Retreat program.

It would be great if you join me for one of the upcoming courses I will guide as part of my training! Complete the form below to register.

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MRP Beginner Retreat

From €450 now for


Make a contribution upon completing your retreat

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Register for your course with Daniel

Register for MRP Beginner Level with guidance from Teacher Training student Daniel.

Registration for Student Courses - Daniel

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I am offering this 3-day retreat on a donation basis. This means you can register for free, and at the end of the retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to make a donation based on what the experience was worth to you. After the retreat, I will provide a link for you to easily make your contribution.

Once you register, you will receive an email with all the details about the upcoming retreat. To confirm your participation, simply click the "Submit your registration" button below.

By registering for this course, you also sign up for the Inner Mind Institute's general newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of each newsletter.