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Engage in your first steps to practice mindfulness the right away and impact your life positively

Start with our 12-week Mindfulness Instructor Training and master the essential principles of mindfulness and more than 25 new techniques. After completing the training you can start guiding others straight away. Lead mindfulness sessions to groups or individuals or offer our 12-week Mind Retreat Program (Beginner Level) and make a lasting, positive impact.

Beginner – Advanced

7 weeks

Hybrid or online

Various teachers

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Master new mindfulness techniques to establish a foundation for your daily mindfulness practice and journey towards enlightenment with our online course.

Mindfulness Instructor Training with guidance from Master Niels

What will you learn?
This unique course stands out from other mindfulness programs and is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness is part of a series of mindfulness courses written by Master Niels, the founder of the Inner Mind Institute. The course provides you with the latest insights into mindfulness and teaches you powerful new mindfulness techniques.

As part of this first stepping stone into mindfulness and our Mind Retreat Program (MRP), you will explore the Four Foundations—the body, sensations, moods, and wisdom—and how to integrate them into your mindfulness practice, so that you can free yourself from everyday challenges and deeper rooted physical pains and mental problems, such as stress, a busy mind, and anxiety.

Great benefits
The 7-week courses of the Mind Retreat Program help you become more present, get rid of bad habits, addictions & problems, and discover your path towards the real essence of mindfulness, or enlightenment.

The elements you will learn:

What is mindfulness?

Many people don’t really understand what mindfulness is. There are various definitions, and not all are accurate. During your training, you will learn exactly what mindfulness is, mainly through experiencing it. This experience will give you a solid understanding of mindfulness.

Where does mindfulness originate from?

When teaching others about mindfulness, it’s essential to know its origins. Learning about the background of mindfulness will increase your interest and hopefully boost your motivation to spread it.

Basic Mindfulness Techniques

Basic Mindfulness Techniques include simple breathing exercises that help you stay focused on the present moment. These techniques are designed to improve your focus and help your body relax and release tension. They also aid in maintaining mindfulness during stressful and challenging moments.

With these breathing techniques, you can better concentrate on the here and now, experiencing more peace and clarity. Regular practice helps you handle tension more effectively and remain calm, even in difficult situations.

Fundamental Mindfulness Techniques

Fundamental mindfulness techniques are exercises that increase our mindfulness energy. This energy makes us more aware of ourselves and gives us the strength to let go of our problem areas gradually.

These techniques help us live more in the present, improving our ability to cope with stress and negative emotions. Regular practice enhances our self-awareness and improves our mental and emotional health, enabling us to navigate life calmly and focused, even during tough times.

Advanced Mindfulness Techniques

Advanced mindfulness techniques are exercises that help address deeper issues in our body and mind. By focusing on specific mindfulness points in the body, we build a significant amount of mindfulness energy that accelerates our transformation process.

These techniques transcend the basics, allowing us to identify and release deeper tensions and blockages. This intensive practice strengthens our inner peace and clarity, making us better equipped to handle challenges and promote personal growth.

Different postures

We must first learn mindfulness in various physical postures to be able to integrate mindfulness into our daily lives. Gradually, we learn to apply mindful breathing while standing, walking, sitting, lying down, and during transitions. By doing this, we notice that staying mindful becomes second nature.

What are Problem Points?

During the training, you will learn about different types of problem points. Your understanding of what causes discomfort will increase, motivating you to practice mindfulness more consistently.

How do I let go of my Problem Points?

Letting go of problem points is a crucial part of the program. Everyone starts mindfulness with a specific reason, which always relates to a problem point. When you can let go of this problem point, you’ll find that contentment begins to appear.

Investing time in your mindfulness practice results in an increase in inner happiness and satisfaction.

The Three Principles of Mindfulness

In the training, you will learn three crucial mindfulness principles to help you use breathing techniques to release your problem points. By learning and applying these principles, you’ll find that you become better at mindful release, a skill that benefits you throughout your life.

How do I guide others?

During the training, you will quickly start guiding others. By practicing with friends and family and guiding them, your skills as a mindfulness instructor will rapidly improve. At the end of the Instructor Module, you will be assessed on your teaching skills.

A comprehensive course by Master Niels
The 7-week course, The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, was developed by Master Niels, founder of the Inner Mind Institute, and draws upon his deep expertise in mindfulness. With over 15 years of dedicated training practice, Master Niels has a wealth of experience guiding others on their mindfulness journey.

Trained under Thai Buddhist monks, Master Niels spent a year as a practicing monk in his teacher’s temple, gaining profound insights into mindfulness and meditation. Following in his master’s footsteps, he has embraced the mission of bringing the most profound and authentic teachings of mindfulness to the West.

Master Niels has carefully adapted these traditional practices to fit the modern Western lifestyle, crafting the Mind Retreat Program and a series of mindfulness courses designed to help you cultivate lasting positive change in your life.


On-demand, online, or in-person
We offer The Four Foundations of Mindfulness as an on-demand course, online live course, or live course on location. Master Niels and his students who follow the Inner Mind Institute’s Teacher Training program provide this and other courses online on a donation basis. Some students also offer their course in-person. You are welcome to join!

If you want to get started with The Four Foundations of Mindfulness right away, then you can enroll on-demand through our online platform for mindfulness.

Mindfulness Teacher Training - Student Community Live Sessions

Other courses
All of our 7-week courses are suitable for beginners and more advanced practitioners. Each course teaches you another important aspect of mindfulness, with the complete series offering you a solid foundation to really comprehend mindfulness and experiencing its benefits.

There is no particular order in which you should go through these courses, although The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (course 1) and Mindfulness in Everyday Life (course 2) are slightly easier to get started with.

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness

(course 1)


Registration fee +
your voluntary donation upon completion

Enroll now - €30
Course fee
€30 (registration fee) + voluntary donation

What will your learn?

Becoming Aware: Your Introduction to Mindfulness

You will learn about the origins of mindfulness and how it has evolved over time. And, perhaps even more exciting, your teacher will introduce you to the first three essential mindfulness techniques.

Doing It Right: Mindfulness Postures

Mindfulness is more than sitting and practicing. Did you know that you can practice mindfulness in various postures? During this course, you will learn to meditate in various postures so you will be ready to integrate mindfulness into your daily life.

Discovering the Four Foundations of Mindfulness

This course is about getting familiar with the Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Body, Sensations, Moods, and Wisdom. Understanding each foundations helps you to become aware of everything you are and find balance.

The First Foundation: The Body

This course is about getting familiar with the Four Foundations of Mindfulness: Body, Sensations, Moods, and Wisdom. Understanding each foundations helps you to become aware of everything you are and find balance.

The Second Foundation: Sensations

Become aware of everything you perceive with your senses. The key element to become aware is understanding and feeling the difference between mindful perception and ordinary perception.

We will explore how mindful perception allows you to fully experience each moment, noticing the details and subtleties often missed in everyday life. By paying close attention to your senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—you will cultivate a deeper awareness and presence.

Additionally, you will be introduced to the sixth sense—a sense that everyone possesses but often neglects. Developing this sense will enhance your overall mindfulness practice, allowing you to observe your internal experiences with greater clarity and compassion.

Ultimately, you will have a clearer understanding of how to integrate mindful sensory awareness into your daily life, enriching your experiences and deepening your mindfulness practice.

The Third Foundation: Moods

Learn all about your thoughts and emotions, and observe the difference between active and passive thoughts, as well as the various types of emotions you experience.

We will delve into understanding how thoughts can be either active—those you consciously engage with—or passive, which arise spontaneously. Similarly, we will explore different emotions, helping you to recognize and categorize them effectively.

Next, you will learn how to approach your mental states differently. With a mindful approach, you will discover that not only can you view your thoughts and emotions from a new perspective, but you can also interact with them in a more pleasant and satisfying way. This shift in perception and interaction will lead to greater satisfaction and contentment in your daily life.

As a result, you will have practical tools to handle your thoughts and emotions mindfully, experiencing a deeper sense of inner peace and emotional resilience.

The Fourth Foundation: Wisdom

Learn and experience on a deeper level that everything is continuously in motion and, therefore, impermanent. This understanding is fundamental to mindfulness practice, as it helps us recognize the transient nature of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

You will also learn what mindful detachment and letting go entail. We will explore techniques and practices that allow you to observe your attachments and gently release them, experiencing a sense of freedom and inner peace.

Eventually, you will have a deeper understanding of impermanence and practical tools for mindful detachment and letting go, which will help you navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease and resilience.

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An innovative study program for those looking for fast results and career opportunities

Within three months, you will learn to master various mindfulness principles and almost 30 different, powerful techniques that you can immediately transfer to others during your own guided sessions.

Study under the guidance of a mindfulness master

Start the Mindfulness Instructor Training under the guidance of Master Niels (including guided live sessions). You will notice that his teachings will help you to make a significance change within yourself.

Offering a practical online study platform and a convenient app

With our Online Platform for Mindfulness and our convenient app, we offer you the opportunity to continue your studies at any moment that suits your schedule best.

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Request our digital brochure and learn all the details about our Mindfulness Teacher Training.

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Information about the contents and practical matters of our Mindfulness Instructor Training

Mindfulness Instructor Training

The Instructor Training is the first module in our Mindfulness Teacher Training program. This program is perfect if you want to start teaching mindfulness in the short term. Within 12 weeks, you will learn to master the basics of mindfulness, over 25 powerful mindfulness techniques, and three key principles to benefit from mindfulness durably.

After completing the 12-week module, you can decide to continue your journey at the Inner Mind Institute with the Trainer Module (12 months) and eventually become a mindfulness master.

Your learning path during the Mindfulness Teacher Training

What will you learn during the Instructor Training?

In this 12-week Instructor Level mindfulness program, we teach you new mindfulness techniques every two weeks. Starting with the basics, you gradually advance to more profound techniques. Eventually you will teach all these essential mindfulness techniques that you have taught to others.

Guided group sessions

During your Mindfulness Instructor Training, you will receive guidance from Master Niels, founder of the Inner Mind Institute.⁠ He will assess you on the mastery of the different mindfulness techniques, your knowledge about their functions and effects, and how you teach them to others. ⁠

During the Instructor Training, you will participate in seven guided online group sessions where Master Niels shares his wisdom, discusses your progress, answers questions, and meditates with the group.

For personal questions and urgent matters between these sessions, you can contact your teacher by email. Students are encouraged to use our online Mindfulness Classroom for general questions. Using the Classroom can help other students who may have the same question(s) as you.

We expect you to work independently with the materials offered in the Instructor Training study modules on our online platform for mindfulness.

Guidance during the Instructor Module is also available in Dutch. Click here for more information.

Dates for your guided sessions

Your guided sessions with Master Niels will occur on:

  • Session 1 – Thursday, 5 September
  • Session 2 – Thursday, 12 September
  • Session 3 – Thursday, 26 September
  • Session 4 – Thursday, 17 October
  • Session 5 – Thursday, 7 November
  • Session 6 – Thursday, 21 November
  • Session 7 – Thursday, 12 December

* All sessions start at 8 PM Dutch time (CEST / CET)

Flexibility of self-study

Self-study is a vital part of the complete Mindfulness Teacher Training program. We offer an online learning platform where you can learn independently and go through your course materials and guided sessions.

Our self-study program offers students the flexibility to schedule their study time. However, we encourage all students to progress through the program at a similar pace to ensure completion within twelve weeks.

This approach also allows for peer-to-peer learning, enabling you to connect and learn from other students’ experiences in the Mindfulness Classroom. We stimulate you to engage in the classroom to discuss study materials, ask questions, share experience, and practice together.

Mindfulness Classroom (student community)

At the beginning of their Mindfulness Instructor Training, students are divided into classes. In addition to a general Student Community, students also form their own, smaller working group in which they learn together, share experiences, ask questions, and practice together.

The opportunity to practice together and have personal contact with fellow students has proven to be a valuable addition that contributes positively to the development and motivation of the student.

Because the teachers and support team of the Inner Mind Institute also play an active role, the community is the ideal communication channel for all substantive and practical matters about the Instructor Training.

Mindfulness Teacher Training - Student Community Live Sessions

Mindfulness Teacher Training - Student Community

Duration of the training

The Mindfulness Instructor Training is a short and practical program that prepares you to work as a certified Mindfulness Instructor already after 12 weeks.

With its short duration, the Mindfulness Instructor Training is an excellent alternative to other popular programs, such as MBSR and MBCT. The program focuses on personal growth and covers all aspects of mindfulness instead of only a small part, making it an interesting option.

Our entire Mindfulness Teacher Training program consists of five individual modules. After completing the Instructor Module, you decide whether to immediately start working as a Mindfulness Instructor or continue your studies.

If you choose to continue, you will advance to the second module (Teacher Training module) and can even move on to the remaining modules after that. With each module, you’ll learn to master and guide more courses, retreats, one-on-one sessions, and even your own students.

Student profile

Our Mindfulness Teacher Training is perfect for anyone who is motivated to learn and transfer the true essence of mindfulness to others. For you to be successful, it’s essential that you are willing to spend sufficient time on your mindfulness practice and are eager to delve into the deeper teachings of mindfulness.

Compared to other teacher training courses, you can learn everything about the essence of mindfulness up to the path to enlightenment at the Inner Mind Institute. That means you can learn a lot more about mindfulness than just the basics. Not only do you learn special techniques, but you also learn to master them in such a way that you can let go of your problem areas. As a result, you can live your life with inner peace and true happiness.


During this module, you will already start guiding others through mindfulness sessions and teach them the techniques you are learning in this Instructor Module. This will help you become a more skilled mindfulness instructor.

You will record a video of yourself guiding someone through a mindfulness session for your exam. In this session, you will:

  • Explain the mindfulness techniques and principles you have mastered in this module.
  • Explain the functions and effects of these techniques.
  • Guide others in using these techniques so that they can use them independently.

MRP Certification

Our Mindfulness Instructor Training is a training program that spans five individual modules. Upon completing the first module of 12 weeks, you will be a certified Mindfulness MRP Instructor. It is entirely up to you to decide how far you want to progress through the program. With each module, you will deepen your personal practice and teachings.

Module 2 – Trainer Training
Upon completing the second module of our Mindfulness Teacher Training, you will become a certified MRP Trainer.

Module 3 – Teacher Training
Upon completing your third module, you will become a certified MRP Teacher.

Module 4 – Expert Training
Upon completing your fourth module, you will become a certified MRP Expert.

Module 5 – Master Training
After seven years of study, you will be recognized as an accomplished master and awarded the title of MRP Master.

Teacher Training certification after each module

Accredited training

Taking a mindfulness teacher training program at an IMRPA accredited school, such as the Inner Mind Institute, means that the school’s program has met the high standards set by the association for teaching MRP to others. The quality mark ensures students that the training they receive will provide them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and techniques to teach MRP effectively and according to high-quality standards.

Upon completing the program at the Inner Mind Institute, students will be eligible for accreditation from the IMRPA (“International Mind Retreat Program Association”) themselves. This accreditation is a symbol of quality and excellence in mindfulness education and may also increase the student’s opportunities for employment and career advancement

Read more about the IMRPA here.

After your studies

Our Mindfulness Teacher Training program offers you the opportunity to start your professional career as a Mindfulness Instructor already after 12 weeks. For those looking to develop themselves further personally and professionally, we offer four additional modules (Trainer Module, Teacher Module, Expert Module, and Master Module) to bring depth into their mindfulness practice. Upon completing another module, you possess the knowledge and skills to guide others through different mindfulness courses, retreats, one-on-one sessions, or even teach and inspire your own students.

After completing the Instructor Module
Upon completion of the first 12-week module of the Teacher Training, you can immediately start your professional career and guide weekly mindfulness sessions to groups and individuals. Additionally, you can provide the 12-week MRP Beginner Level program as an IMI affiliate.

After completing the Trainer Module
Upon completion of the second module of the Teacher Training, you can guide two 7-week mindfulness courses: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (7 weeks) and Mindfulness in Everyday Life (7 weeks). Both courses can be taught either online or in-person, based on your preference.

After completing the Teacher Module
Upon completing the third module of the Teacher Training, you can teach the 7-week course The Mindfulness Code, as well as lead two Mind Retreats: MRP Beginner Retreat (3 days) and MRP Intermediate Retreat (7 days).

After completing the Expert Module
Upon completing the fourth module of the Teacher Training, you can guide one-on-one sessions and supervise the first two study years of the Inner Mind Institute’s Mindfulness Teacher Training.

After completing the Master Module
If you choose to continue your mindfulness studies after the fourth module, you can guide students during their Trainer and Teacher modules, deepening your own practice and contributing to the growth of mindfulness education. After a total of seven years of study, you will be recognized as an accomplished master and awarded the title of MRP Master.

We are committed to supporting you on your mindfulness journey and helping you achieve your goals at each step of the way. With each year of study, you will gain valuable skills and knowledge that will enable you to teach mindfulness practices with integrity and effectiveness.

Start dates

The next opportunity to start the Instructor Training is on:

  • 5 September 2024


Mindfulness Instructor Training €850
Mindfulness Instructor Training in two installments 2x €475

* Determine whether you want to continue your studies after each module.

For all of your questions about the Mindfulness Teacher Training, please send us an email:
Start your training More information

Request a digital brochure

Are you considering our Mindfulness Instructor training but are you unsure if it’s the right option for you? Request our brochure or schedule a free call and ask all your questions to our support team so you can make an informed decision.

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Request a brochure for the Mindfulness Teacher Training

Yes, I am interested in the Mindfulness Teacher Training

Thank you for your interest in our mindfulness teacher training! Register now, request a digital brochure, or book a free intake interview through the form below.

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Instructor Module including Personal Guidance - €850 (incl. VAT)

Confirm your registration for the Mindfulness Instructor Training including personal guidance by clicking the 'Submit' button below. You will then be redirected to a secure payment page.

As soon as we have received your payment, you are assured of your participation in the training. Please keep an eye on your inbox for an email with important information on the start of your studies.

Do you have any questions or can't find the email? Please contact us at

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Participation in the Open Day on January 23 (free)

Confirm your participation in the Open Day for our Instructor Training (guided by Master Niels) by clicking the "Complete your registration" button below.

Your participation in this session is entirely non-binding. After the session, we will ask if you want to continue the training. If you decide to proceed, you will receive a payment link to pay for the training and confirm your participation.

You will soon receive an email confirming your registration and providing important information about the Open Day, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

Do you have any questions, or did you not receive the confirmation email? Please get in touch with us at

Confirm your request to schedule a free intake interview

Complete your request for a free intake interview with one of our mindfulness teachers or masters by clicking the 'Submit' button below. After we have received your request, we will contact you by email to schedule a date and time for the intake interview. So keep an eye on your inbox!

By clicking the button below, you sign up for the Inner Mind Institute's general newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of each newsletter.

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Finalize your request for our Mindfulness Instructor Training brochure by clicking the 'Submit' button below. You will receive the digital brochure in your inbox within one working day. Didn't receive our email? Check whether our mail has accidentally ended up in your 'Promotions' or 'Spam' folder.

By clicking the button below, you sign up for the Inner Mind Institute's general newsletter. If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, you can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of each newsletter.